hey people. how r u all? me absolutely fine this side. jst enjoying nature now a days... this is DELHI i clicked with my cell phone.
wat a scenario it was.. amazing n somewhat dangerous... i boarded the bus to my office. the weather was already rainy... some
not-so-dark clouds here n there. i took a seat n opened my diary to see topics to discuss in office.. my friend called me up n asked where was i. isaid i m in bus to office. she said "its too bad weather outside.... wind is blowing too fast...raining lightly.. so dark clouds.." i said "its nothing like that my side. its quite clear weather here..." n by the time our this conversation ended, i dont know how it all happened, scenario totally changed. just in a minute or two, it was all dark outside. sky became yellow...then orange... then grey mixed in... then darker n darker... everybody on the road had to switch on headlights... suddenly heavy rain... traffic stopped for a while.. wind was blowing at a heart throbing speed. (next day i read it in newspaper. it was 104 kmph. whooop) it was all dark inside the bus... CLICKED A PHOTO. n i wished the weather remains the same until i reach
office so that i cud click a better picture... in next 10 minutes i reached my stop. got off the bus just outside my office.
but my clicking plan just got drained... it was raining like hell. i had to protect my plastered leg first..so took a shelter which was already so crowded that everybody was managing to fit himself under it.. hehe... then thought of taking a risk n started walking in the rain towards office building. somehow managed to not to get the plaster wet. and in around next 10 mins, weather
became quite clear....
man, wat a weather it was,.... awsome..
next day i read in newspapers... it was too bad.. atleast 5 people died. too many vehicles damaged due to trees falling on them..
but i love to see tht nature keeps telling us that we have not control on it n cant predict wats gonna happen next.. NATURE IS MORE POWERFULL THAN WE PEOPLE.
ooh so dats the story behind the pic..
the headlights switched on in the mornin??
wish i wud hav been there..wud hav drenched myself in the rain..
keep up the posts..
n wat abt the seminar??
ya true...when nature strikes it strikes like a hell...just recall what happened few days back to the eastern side of earth...and man what happened to your legs ?
Man that sounds crazy! Nature is defenitely in charge, and people often forget that.
Yeah so what happened to your leg?? plastered? I'm asuming you broke it?
Wish you the best of health man!
oh thnks prasad n nate for ur concern. all is fine frnz... leg not broken. muscles got damaged somehow due to multiple sprain.. bt m fine now. today my plaster was cut off. n my honey wished me 'happy independnce day'. hehe... i know how it was like spending 3 weeks with it..
kya baat hai sir ji, mai isi barish mai to bhah gaya tha last year, aaj he wapis ghar pahuncha hun. [:)] he he
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