Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hi guys. posting aftr long time. well, wana share something today...
I recently had an honour to watch CARS, the movie. GOD....i was just hypnotized by the work. i had once gone to see the movie but for some reasons had to leave it before the mid. so, i had been searching for the movie for quite a long time now. a few days back, my student told me that he has the DVD-rip version. AAAHHHHHAAAA.... was so happy to hear that. got a copy from him. came home. had dinner in hurry. n sat in front of my pc.. movie started..... and..what to say... i just love it. one more name in my favorites' list.
A very very beautiful blend of animation's power and human emotions.. A great great role played by Sir John Lasseter as director, story writer and screenplay developer. what a story teller he has created. and direction is superb. camera angles are rily great. And on top of it all, what an idea of casting cars for the movie.. Auditions would have been great to see... hehe....
character developers have rily done a great job. all the characters have designs to suit the role. the idea i loved most was using tractors as lazy grazing kettles…and just like they walk on the road forming a group and following each other, and just run all over as somebody blows horn from behind.. very very good. One thing more I loved is we dint have to think about which one is male car and which one has feminine role. But everything else was great too.
Rigging is again a great part. What a magic the riggers have created. so flexible rigs to animate almost any emotion and expression. clap clap clap....
AAAHHHHHH..... ANIMATION. No words to explain what i was feeling. i could count around 100 animation artists during end credits. Hats off to them. Using front tyres as hands and body as shoulders... and generally what we see in cartoons is that they just use headlamps as eyes..but i was amazed by the diff. approach pixar took. McQueen’s eyes and hands made us believe that it was alive and breathing.. we could easily understand when he was angry , or sad or amazed.. SUPERBLY GREAT ACTING.
Other tiny-miny points that added to the feel of CAR WORLD were flies, alarm clock toy, toy car story, monster truck inc…
One thing is true – There Is Lot More To Racing Than Just Winning.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
it's too good month for delhi people. so much raining in MAY. not at all looking like summer. thanks to God INDRA.
well, here is my new attempt on 'jump'. planned to do it in stepped keys... here is the blocking pass 1.
i know its too short. here is the DIRECT LINK to download from vimeo.
here is the 2nd pass. did all the poses in stepped keys.. and timed. changed the idea in last part. and that is yet to be corrected. so it's WIP. crits n suggestion are most welcome.
here is the final version from my side. the jump shot is complete. had to submit, so this is the finest i could do in hurry. will work on it more aftr i finish my already started animation tests..
Friday, May 23, 2008
m back to animation after a week. Now gotta do some new job assignments. this time testing on 'run cycle'. Here is the piece. as always following the method my online trainers and all animation artists talk about, i did it completely on 'stepped' keys til every pose. be it key poses, breakdowns, overlaps or weight shifts etc. Then converted to linear curves...cleaned up the GE. then, as i hit spline curves mode to all the keys...WHOOAAAA.... it was all messy again.. GOD.. started cleaning it up... n in 1 complete day i finished splining all the keys... it was almost like doing it from a beginning.. but learned so much once again.. any suggestions and improvements, most welcome..
Thursday, May 15, 2008

hey people. how r u all? me absolutely fine this side. jst enjoying nature now a days... this is DELHI i clicked with my cell phone.
wat a scenario it was.. amazing n somewhat dangerous... i boarded the bus to my office. the weather was already rainy... some
not-so-dark clouds here n there. i took a seat n opened my diary to see topics to discuss in office.. my friend called me up n asked where was i. isaid i m in bus to office. she said "its too bad weather outside.... wind is blowing too fast...raining lightly.. so dark clouds.." i said "its nothing like that my side. its quite clear weather here..." n by the time our this conversation ended, i dont know how it all happened, scenario totally changed. just in a minute or two, it was all dark outside. sky became yellow...then orange... then grey mixed in... then darker n darker... everybody on the road had to switch on headlights... suddenly heavy rain... traffic stopped for a while.. wind was blowing at a heart throbing speed. (next day i read it in newspaper. it was 104 kmph. whooop) it was all dark inside the bus... CLICKED A PHOTO. n i wished the weather remains the same until i reach
office so that i cud click a better picture... in next 10 minutes i reached my stop. got off the bus just outside my office.
but my clicking plan just got drained... it was raining like hell. i had to protect my plastered leg took a shelter which was already so crowded that everybody was managing to fit himself under it.. hehe... then thought of taking a risk n started walking in the rain towards office building. somehow managed to not to get the plaster wet. and in around next 10 mins, weather
became quite clear....
man, wat a weather it was,.... awsome..
next day i read in newspapers... it was too bad.. atleast 5 people died. too many vehicles damaged due to trees falling on them..
but i love to see tht nature keeps telling us that we have not control on it n cant predict wats gonna happen next.. NATURE IS MORE POWERFULL THAN WE PEOPLE.
Friday, May 9, 2008
side step
earlier also, i had strtd a side step test. but during animation, my rig got some weirdoo prob. i dont know what the hell it was.. char was animating without keys. hehe... I THINK MY CHAR RILY GOT LIFE INTO IT.. also, amrit bro advised me to stop that test. he advised to concentrate on basics...
so, i was back to square one playing with balls n boxes. now i felt tht i shud try that test again. n check how well i put my basics into it. here is i-am-this-much-done-so-far shot. alldone in stepped keys. breakdowns done till he looks up again. rest to come ahead. waiting for valuable comments...
here u cn view it on vimeo where u can dwnlod it for viewing in QTplayer once it is converted.
huh....after a long time, i m back to this side step test. here is the updated work. i m not able to configure what will the best for 'settle' pose in the last. will think about it more.
more is coming...
save me... HELP...
well guys, hope all is well on ur end. m doing my new test on side step. vl post when it is ready to show up.
recently, i was chatting with chetan when he was planning for his new animation test. while talking to him, i realized that i have a serious prob. i hardly think of using any reference videos for studying or using for my animations. i hardly plan my shot. i dont even thumbnail my animations just bcoz i dont know how the pencil works. watever i do, i just go with my mind n calculate the weight shifts n all the basics up there. pose my char directly in 3D. i cn even count on my tips how many times i hv seen videos for reference. i have so many articles from some great great artists about using videos. even they also suggest it for studying.. bt i jst nvr think of it. i always realize that i shud study n plan my shots as much as i can, bt i simply dont. suggest me how to overcome this trouble.... its just irritating me hard... n m worried about it.
Monday, May 5, 2008
well, here is my new animation test. this is dedicated to DAVID BELLE, founder of parkour. this is kinda hurdle/obstacle test. Did completely on stepped keys. completed aftr suggestions from chetan n ratul. here is the piece. hope u like it.. any suggestions or comments, most welcome..
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
done for job assignment. tried to put a personality of a kid curious to show off his new toy gun to his frnz. hope i achieved it.
plz leave a comment or suggestion.